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Shop Knight #4 with Kat Ramsey

Shop Knight #4 with Kat Ramsey

In this video Bohemond of Boots by Bohemond, gets a special Shop Knight visit from Kat Ramsey of, also known as Mistress Kat, OL and we show you how to make a pair of 16th Century Shoes cut and slash style.  Best evening I have had in a long while.  Thanks Kat!

Thank you for taking an interest in my craft. I am Michael Fine and I have been making historical shoes and boots for folks for over 25 years, I am also providing boots for Walt Disney MGM studios, Stan Winston Studios, several Shakespearean festivals, and opera companies. I make footwear for both men and women from the Roman, Viking, Medieval or Middle Ages, and Renaissance, I very much enjoy my job. I take great pride in, and extract much joy from, making top quality footwear for the historically minded reenactor, cosplay, SCA folks, and Viking groups.



Facebook: @BootsByBohemond

Kat's page:

Music: Bohemond

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Midnight Madness Sale! 50% OFF selected items in the Menu Tab. Sale Ends Sunday Aug 9th.

Midnight Madness Sale!  50% OFF selected items in the Menu Tab.  Sale Ends Sunday Aug 9th.

Midnight Madness Sale! 

50% OFF selected items in the Menu Tab. 


Sale Ends Sunday Aug 9th.

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Virtual Pennsic Seax Sale Extended to Saturday Aug 1

Virtual Pennsic Seax Sale Extended to Saturday Aug 1

Wanting Awesome Seax!   

Sale EXTENDED!   Get 20% OFF. 

Sale ends Saturday August 1st at Midnight!

Hope you find the smiles in this video as it was meant to be in good humor.



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Shop Knight Episode #1 Redux How to Make a Knights Belt

Shop Knight Episode #1 Redux How to Make a Knights Belt

In this video Bohemond, of Boots by Bohemond, makes SCA Knight Belts for Sir Gui Avec Chival and Sir Bryce de Byram. Sir Bryce and Sir Gui run the "The Greatest Tournament" at Pennsic each year. An it is just that, great. So many folks have enjoyed the work Bryce and Gui put into this event, I wanted to show my appreciation by making them both something from my own hands. Belts done in the style of the period of the Marshal. Based on the life and times, tournament style, and appearance of the greatest knight, Sir William Marshall. From...

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Shop Knight #1

Gifts for Sir Gui Avec Chival and Sir Bryce de Byram.   They host an amazing tournament based on William Marshall at Pennsic so I made some belts and made a video of the process.

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